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Country/Dates- Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. September 17th – October 9th 


Ministry site/Host accommodations- Youth for Christ. Stayed at Sheunesu and Susan’s house outside of town, about a 15 minute walk from the center. 2 small bedrooms. Roomed with Autum and shared a bed with Tiff. Bathroom and shower. Machine washer and outside line for drying. Dog named Bruno. Regular power outages. Gas stove. 


Weather- a few cold mornings that felt like Christmas Day! The last few days were pretty warm. Rained one night. 


Wifi- worked well at the house. Also walked to a coffee shop (Brooks) behind the house. 


Food- we prepared our own food so it was pretty American. Lots of boiled eggs, banana bread, rusks, and carrots. Pizza Inn. Chicken Inn. 


Hosts- Sheunesu and Susan Masuka were amazing! They put up with five noises, at times high maintenance, American girls for three weeks. They were so patient with us and made us feel like their home was our own. They showed us what it means to serve and love others sacrificially and what it looks like to have a burden for your city to come to Christ. They displayed a simple faith with deep roots. 


Staff- our amazing friends at YFC: Musa, Sesa, Ashley, Ayanda, Seth, Tate, Fulton, Wilmore, Musae, Franco, Sebo, Nobicosi, Sunny, Melissa, Kim, Blessings, Chelsea, Mercy


Words/Phrases- serious; it’s sorted; B.I.G.; color. to my. life; ok; YOU have a problem; Jesus is calling; let’s dance; where are the keys.


Ministry- the first week we did the skits in schools. The second week we did evangelism and attended a lot of the youth’s events during the evening. The last week we had a movie day, bible studies, and some days at the center just being with the youth. 


Exercise- consistent at the beginning. We did a mix of P90X, Tiff’s workout rotations, and a few evening runs after it cooled down.  


Spiritual growth- this was another month of getting out of my comfort zone and being ready and willing for the Lord to use me everyday at any moment. 


Holy Spirit- he spoke to me a lot through the youth. How they prayed. Their passion for the youth of their city to come to know Christ as their Savior. Their support and encouragement of one another’s gifts and abilities. Their desire to always be improving the way they do ministry. 


The Word- continued reading through Jeremiah, a Psalm a day and read through Galatians, Colossians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus, James, 1st and 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd John, 1st & 2nd John, Jude 


Team Overflow- my girls came alive and thrived, as did I. God used each of us in special ways to impact and change lives. It was special for me to see the growth they have made since month one and it makes me excited to see all the Lord is going to continue doing in their lives. 


Health- I don’t think I ever even had a runny nose. Praise God! 


Defining moment- sharing my Mexico story and the passing of my grandma to a group of girls which allowed them to open up and share their difficult stories with us. 


Answered prayers- Protection. Fruitful ministry. Health. Growth in confidence/boldness. Great hosts and ministry partners. Great food and plenty of sleep. Good weather conditions. 


Not what I expected- to grow so close to people over only a month’s time. To have another “easy month.” I didn’t expect to learn new dances and enjoy joining in on dances kakulu kakulu (so much). To enjoy cookie by headlamps and eating by candle light. I wasn’t planning on being in two skits and enjoying my parts so much. 


How I feel going in to month 3- I have no expectations. Not ready to leave the people of Bulawayo. Ready for anything…. except the heat. 


Areas I want to grow in next month- intentionality in seeking out my teammates when I first notice something is not right with them. Not letting others preferences of things that aren’t a big deal to me, cause me to get frustrated. 


Personal realizations- I appreciate/need physical touch more than I thought. Hugs, high fives, handshakes and holding hands during prayer make a difference. It creates unity and brings you closer to one another (obviously. Haha!).  


How I’ve changed/grown- I’ve learned as a leader to not delay the hard conversations but take the time to sit down, talk through and deal with the problems. I’ve learned to be ready to share something at all times for a Bible lesson or a kid’s program whether it be a verse, a game, a dance, or a personal story. I’ve enjoyed getting up early to spend a good amount of time with the Lord before starting my day 


Prayer requests for Zambia- wisdom as a leader to know how to deal with difficult situations. Rest—the first few days in Zambia have proven it difficult to sleep well in the heat. Health and protection especially during the day when we are out doing ministry. A closeness with the Holy Spirit that I’ve never experienced before. Growth in spiritual gifts. To use time wisely and intentionally as this month is a slower ministry month with more down time than we have had in the past. 


5 responses to “A Piece Of My Heart In Zim.”

  1. What a wonderful detailed report. Feel like I’m there with you! I love to hear of all the personal growth. You are growing wiser by the day! Prayers for you and the team going forward. Be intentional, relational, and keep dancing! Love you girl!!