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R squad walked our last 12 miles of the Camino on the 1st of October. We arrived wet and weary alongside fellow eager pilgrims to the cathedral in Santiago. We had walked over 171 miles in 16 days through some of the most beautiful land I have seen, to get to this point. Every day the same yet so different. 6:30 greeted us each new morning with a chilly kiss as we took our first steps out the Albergue door. Coffee and a croissant breakfast waited for us somewhere along the path, never too soon or too late to fuel us for the rest of the journey til arriving at our next Albergue. Each night, being sure to pack all your belongs before you go to sleep so you wont disturb the other 10-20 pilgrims sleeping in your room as we were always the first to hit the road. This was the life. In reflection, just a few days removed from this schedule, I miss it. The hard then doesn’t look as hard now. The difficulties then look more like silly funny moments now. The pain then looks like greater dependency on the Healer for every step I took. The early mornings then look like sweet gifts of early signs of life now. The same meals and daily schedules then look like space to enjoy the little things.

It’s been a while since I have lived moment by moment figuring out which path to take (literally), where we will get our next meal, where we will sleep for the night, and where & when I will wash my clothes next. In summary, not having a plan. Coming from someone who pretty much always has a plan for every day and most seasons of life, this was challenging. However, it was so sweet to see the Lord help me release the control for a plan and just be. Trusting others to figure out which path to take, find a place to buy groceries, plan meals, book our next hostel, etc.

When was the last time you lived like this? Releasing control to allow the Lord to show up in supernatural ways. If you’re in the midst of a hard season ask the Lord to help you receive from the body of Christ. Ask the Lord to change your perspective from seeing hard to seeing beauty. Like Ruth who chose to leave the hard from her past behind and chose to follow Naomi with full faith that beautiful things were ahead. Even when all signs pointed her to an un-promising future, she knew that following the God of Naomi was her best and only option for a promise of an abundant life.


The squad at the cathedral   Last cafe con leche on the Camino

To show how wet we were most of the walk on the last day.

One response to “Hard Turned Beautiful”

  1. The Lord is so GOOD! I can tell He was teaching you many beautiful life giving things. I’m so proud of you for just resting in HIS arms. I love you!

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