Time is a thief. In less than a month I will be back on US soil. November 19 I will begin debriefing at the AIM base with the squad for a few days, which will conclude in everyone returning back to their homes. My three weeks here in Albania thus far have been sweet. I’ve found myself at times trying to speak Spanish with locals which has proven unsuccessful as you can imagine. But language barrier aside, I’ve been able to bring joy to the fruit lady who pinches my cheeks and blows me kisses as I pick out produce from her fruit stand, bring a smile to the face of the avocado guy, bless the cheese lady whom we bought a large amount of cheese from, make the clothes store owner laugh when I wanted to buy pants and a sweater she labeled as “mom” and refused to let me buy because I am too young. Ministry has been waiving to the pizza owners as we pass by each day on our way to class, loving on the kids in church and helping them practice their English, going out for coffee with the pastors, going on a 20 minute walk to carry groceries back to the apartment, doing classes for three hours a day, building close and vulnerable relationships within the squad during nightly team times. This is ministry, this is love. Ministry looks different every day and that’s the beauty of life. Sometimes it’s neat and organized and planned and other times it’s rushed and patched together last minute. Every day it’s about being available, flexible, interruptible, humble, open, surrendered. Laying down any personal expectations or agendas. Asking God to give you His eyes to see each person the way He does. Some days are harder than others. The enemy fights against our mission every day.
Our squad needs your prayers. I need your prayers. Below is a list of bullet prayer requests to specifically be praying over our squad as we desire to finish our time on the field and as a squad well.
- Unity- pray against spirit of pride, fear of man, selfishness, personal agendas
- Ownership of personal intimate relationship with the Father, of how we spend personal time, of every word we say and action we do
- Love- for our love of the Father to overflow into our love for others
- Purpose- a vision from God about how everything we do is for Him, the value of each day and how it will positively or negatively affect the future
- Integrity and trust- for us to live in a community where we assume the best of one another and walk with high integrity and choose to trust one another regardless of how it may cause unintentional hurt in the process
- Health- over physical bodies, mental thoughts, processing and evaluating of emotions, spiritual discernment for how our soul is and what it needs
Thank you prayer warriors for taking time to go to battle for me and my squad. We know we already have the victory in Jesus Christ! I’m thankful for the body of Christ I can call upon in time of need even from great distances away.
Here are a few photos of how we have been able to serve the local church. Saturdays and Sundays we attend churches in different towns. We have been able to lead worship and give an encouraging word or personal testimony to encourage the body. We were given popcorn after working for a couple hours at a church doing some manual labor in and around the property. This past Sunday, two Indian men from the church wanted to make us a traditional Indian meal that we shared together after the morning service. It was SPICY and so good! Excited for what these next three week hold for us from God.
Prayers as you continue being the hands and feet in sharing the love Christ. Heart warming, your market stories on the simplicity of connection
And availability. Amazing how a simple smile can break down barriers. 🥰 safe travels.
Thank you! Being available is so simple yet can be so hard for us “busy Americans”. Smiling is so powerful.
Wow Khurry! Time does seem to fly by. I know that your time in Albania has been so fruitful! I will be praying for all the “things”. I love you! 💖💖💖
Thank you for all your prayers mama Beth! God is continuing to do great things.
Khurry – thanks for being such a good leader. Partnering with you and Syd has been a huge blessing for me.
It’s been a privilege to lead for this squad and get to work alongside you and learn how to be a better leader. Thank you for investing so intentionally in my life. God is doing and will do even greater things through this program in the future.