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Just a quick update on what’s been going on this past week. I realized looking back I did a lot of “firsts” this week. Whether it was a first ever or just a first on the Race. I started the week on a pretty good note. Spent a few hours at the pool with some of my teammates. The next day we got to do a silk dying and weaving class. It was so fun! I got to dye my own scarf and then weave a little patch on a loom. Things kinda went down hill from there however. Later that night I woke up and knew the dreaded throw ups were upon me. I HATE throwing up and especially in a hostel with public bathrooms with toilets that leak. So I had to make a game plan of how I was going to survive the next few hours in barf city downstairs. It probably took me thirty minutes to make a plan and convince myself to get out of bed because the barf train wasn’t going away no matter how long I waited. After several up and down trips from my bed to the bathroom and hours sitting on a spare blanket in the stall waiting for the next round to start, to say I wish I were home on my couch was an understatement. But I made it through. Thankful it was a small stomach bug and nothing more serious. Add that experience to my story belt I suppose. Didn’t do much the next day and still working on getting my appetite back. Nothing really sounds good so it’s been lots of broth, rice and bread the past few days. On Valentine’s Day I went to a “party” at a hospital where a group of doctors and nurses are learning English. We got to help them role play patients coming in to be seen for various symptoms, play some games and enjoy some snacks together. That evening my whole team went to a wet sauna. I know scandalous but it was actually a pretty neat experience and dare I say enjoyable as I struggled to take each breath in that steaming heat box. It was my first time being in a sauna so I didn’t know what to expect. The coffee scrub was pretty amazing and the feeling of pouring the cold water on yourself after releasing yourself from the heat box was the best feeling ever. It made it all the more fun and memorable doing it with my team. We had dinner afterwards and I felt slightly judged by the waiter when I asked for a baguette and rice and that was it. Oh well. Yesterday I got to spend a few hours at a local’s house playing cars and legos with a little boy (I was right in my element) while a few of my teammates taught a music class to a youth group. 

We have one more week of ministry before we head to Thailand on the the 24th. Keep my team in your prayers as satan is trying to squeeze in negativity and hard feelings in the difficult circumstances some of my teammates are going through. We all need grace and patience as we continue learning how to love each other as Jesus so beautifully loves us. Pray for ministry opportunities this week as we continue allowing the Lord to reveal His plans for us each day. Also pray for continued health and strength as I get back to my normal self. 


One response to “Well… There’s Always a First”

  1. Hey girl! Whoa bless your heart or should I say stomach? Ugh I literally hate the dreaded throw-up bug too. Awful!!! Glad you survived and hopefully getting your appetite back.

    Love the pictures! That weaving machine looks intense, but how fun to learn a skill like that! You are gaining some great experiences throughout this race and getting to learn a lot about various cultures. What a blessing! I’m praying! You keep on keeping on…k? K!!! So proud of you! God is continually with you!!

    On a side note, it’s been fun to watch Carson and Baylor be in the starting line-up in basketball and play together this year! They also got to hunt pheasant together this past weekend in Kansas along with Jep Robertson from the show Duck Dynasty! Long story, but he works for our adoption agency All God’s Children International alongside Brad Van Stavern that met with you and us at dinner a while back. Isn’t that cool?!! Only God could orchestrate that! So much more to tell you, but it’ll have to wait!

    Love reading your updates and love you sweet Khurry!