Welcome to Khurry’s Blog

Learn more about what God is doing and how you can be praying

This past June when I got back from teaching in Mexico I began applying for several positions in State that I thought I would really enjoy. But every door was soon closed one by one. It was a very frustrating time but in the back of my mind I knew that the Lord was working and in HIS timing He would open the right door for me. It was a hard four or five months of not really having a consistent job or even something to tell people that I was going to start doing in the future. I said a lot of “I don’t knows” and “I’m trusting in God’s timing and direction”. It was easier to say the later on some days than on others. Some days I felt like the Lord had forgotten about me or was punishing me. But as I looked back on all the times where the Lord had made me wait for His timing, I was encouraged once again that He does always come through. He does not leave or forsake His loved ones. He desires for me to trust Him and to continue to call upon Him and ask Him for what I desire. My family and friends and even people I didn’t directly know, were all so encouraging and thoughtful and prayed for me through that waiting period. So all that to say, after a couple months of being back in the States, my heart was still very drawn towards missions so I began directing my searching towards mission organizations. I began with the ones that I had heard about and those that came recommended and it was during this time that I came across Adventures In Missions. As I initially began researching on their website and learning about the World Race, I was immediately drawn to the program and excitement for the first time began to build. It was almost too good to be true at first, as it was exactly what I was looking to do during this next phase of my life. I watched vlog after vlog and read blog after blog and began to seriously consider being a World Racer. I approached my parents about it and asked them to start praying about it. After a few weeks, I took the first step and filled out an application. I knew it wouldn’t hurt and prayed that if this wasn’t where the Lord was leading, then for me to not be accepted. Then I got scheduled for a phone interview. Before the interview I prayed if this wasn’t the Lord’s will for it to go horribly. But the interview went really well and I was so encouraged by the end of it. Then a week later I got a call that I had been accepted. During this time, the Lord had provided several part time job positions (office work, clinic receptionist, tutor, and nanny) to keep me busy and begin earning funds for this journey. I’m so thankful for the work that I get to do each week and the generosity of those I work for and their flexibility with my schedule to still allow me to be a part of my brothers sports lives and family events. 

Throughout this journey already I have learned so much. I’ve been challenged to live out what I truly believe, to think about what is important in this life and what areas I need to grow in spiritually. I’ve been reminded over and over of how sinful I am and how good God is (I need a daily reminder of this). On the World Race I fully expect to be challenged in ways that I wouldn’t ever be here in the States. I want my experiences on the Word Race, whether it’s traveling, doing specific ministry or having down time with my team, to be intentionally spent. 

I want to develop a solid, deep foundation of prayer and a heart for people that is personally difficult for me to do here in the States, partly because of my own laziness and partly a lack of experiences that are needed to cultivate these things. In a later post I will go into greater detail of local missions as apposed to what I am doing on the World Race. One of my top focuses before and during the World Race is prayer. Prayer has never been one of my strengths and I know it is vital for the closer relationship that I desire with my Savior. I want to be very intentionally about studying prayer and making it an essential part of my walk with Christ every day. I want it to be something that comes second nature to me. Something that I look forward to doing every waking moment. A sweet, special time of communicating my heart, the good and the bad, with my Heavenly Father. So my first prayer request is that you pray for me to be a better pray-er (a person of prayer). That sounds kind of funny to say, but even as I’ve just begun learning about prayer, I’ve been convicted of the lack of its presence in my life and how so much sweeter and personal my relationship with God can be by using this gift that God has provided for me to freely communicate with Him. 

Secondly, I want to develop a missional lifestyle. A picture of what that means in my mind involves a lot of things. It means loving others as Christ loves them, it means being the first to step up and serve, it means getting out of my comfort zone and doing things that are new and might seem awkward at first, it means choosing to stay positive when circumstances are difficult, it means putting others needs before my own with a good attitude, it means using the mundane things of life (laundry, dishes, cleaning, eating, work) to bring glory to God and bless others. I want to develop new habits that I will continue to live out each day once the Race is over. During the eleven months of experiencing new cultures and serving in a multitude of ways, I want the Lord to show me my spiritual gifts, what I’m good at and most of all what I am passionate about doing. I have an pretty good idea of the spiritual gift I have and what I’m good at, but I want to leave the Race saying “I want to do _________ with my life!”. I want God to burden my heart for a specific people and ministry. 

I know God is going to teach me so much more than I could ever prepare myself for. Previous World Racers that I have had the privilege of talking with said have said that the World Race wrecked their world. I’m ready for my world to get wrecked by God. I’m not really sure what that’s going to look like, but I know I won’t be leaving the World Race the same I way I start the Race.