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John the Baptist was an odd duck.

Paul was radical.

Ruth was determined.

Esther was bold.

Jesus was weird.

If you were to know these individuals personally in todays culture you would think them very strange. They didn’t do the normal, expected thing. They didn’t live a normal, safe, photo-shopped, cutesy, perfect life. They were misunderstood even in their day in their own culture. They had a bigger vision from God that others couldn’t see. They had surrendered their lives to be used completely by God for God’s glory. However that looked. Whatever land that took them to. Whoever it led them to talk to. I, and I’m sure some of you, after reading their stories in the Bible have felt a little spark inside our soul and maybe have even dared to ask “could my life be like that?” A hunger for a life living in complete apprenticeship with our living Rabbi.

I can’t really explain it with words, but ever since I went on my first trip with Adventures in Missions in 2019, and since lead two squads, I’ve felt weird. Different. I tasted and saw. It was better. It’s been a privilege to grow, serve and love within the World Race community all over the world. This August I have another opportunity to lead a group of young adults in which I pray will be the beginning of their weird lives. But I can’t do it alone. I need my community of faithful prayer warriors and financial supporters as I embark in a few short weeks. I would love to have you join me in this next season God is calling me into. I know I’m weird and you may be asking “when will you ever settle down and do something consecutively for more than one year?” Trust me, I’m asking the same thing. But I want to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and His three years of ministry, which from what I can tell, were anything but normal or consistent. He is my example and the One I get my orders from.

If you feel called to be a prayer supporter please reach out so I can put you on my specific prayer list.

I am currently 38% funded, praise God! If this is something you would be willing to pray about and would like to reach out to me to get more information of what I will be doing specifically on the mission field with this next squad, I would love to set up a call or meet you somewhere for a coffee/tea! One time gifts are great, and in addition I’m praying for 12 monthly donors to give $50/month for three months.

God calls some to be the goers, and some to be the givers. I know many of you are supporting missionaries on the field right now. Keep being faithful to give and pray for them and reach out to them to encourage them. Ever since my freshman year of highschool I have been blessed with amazing financial supporters and prayer partners who have joined me in reaching the un-reached. I know God will bring the exact supporters I need in this next journey. Is God calling you to be one of them? Are you ready to join me in being weird for the sake of the Gospel? I hope so!


Here’s my giving link below


2 responses to “Am I Weird? (I hope so!)”

  1. You are so weird Khurry! Hehe! I love you and I love your boldness for the Kingdom. You know I will always support you in prayer and in giving!

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