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Quick update of what life has looked like so far in Thailand. 

Here is the street we life on. The deaf church we are staying at is the second garage door on the left side. 

Our sweet roomie, Pick, made us lunch our first day at the church. She is the sweetest.

Our first day of ministry we had a Bible study with a core group of locals in a small village. It was so nice to worship with them and encourage them from the Word and be encouraged by their passion for the Lord. 

A day of ministry is not complete without a meal. These spring rolls are delicious and a meal is never complete without some fresh greens! 

In the mornings, a few of my teammates and I have loved getting to go to the gym for the first time on the Race. The gym has been a huge blessing especially when where we are located there’s no great place to workout outside. 

Our first day of ministry with kids was in a little village. We rode bikes with them, played soccer, games, had a Bible story and taught them some songs. 

Just a little night market shopping with my saltine ladies. Always entertaining. 

Pad thai across the street for less than $2, you betcha!

First time eating at the night market with Pick. Gotta say, the night market is the way to go! We are regulars now.

Got to go out to eat with Pastor Jeannie and Joopjip Sunday afternoon at a nice mall restaurant. It was so refreshing to be a part of Pastor Jeannie’s church and fellowship with the local believers. 

5:30 Monday morning we went to visit the Red Lotus Lake. So pretty! 

Got my baby fix at one of the village we have been doing a kids program at! This girl is too cute with her hat backwards. 

After a small typhoon went through, we finally got the kids settled down and coloring before we began the Bible lesson. Quite an unexpected storm but the Lord protected us and we had a great time with the kids. 

Hope the pictures helped give you a good visual of what life has looked like for my first week in Thailand. Crazy that a week has already gone by. A little over 2 weeks left in Thailand before my squad leaves for South America. I am so excited but still enjoying my time in Asia and the wonderful opportunities the Lord has given us here to love His people. Continue praying for health for my team and I and for our ministry to be effective for the remainder of our time here in Udan Thani. 

3 responses to “Ministry in Thailand”

  1. Khurry, I am praying for you and your team ! “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”
    ??2 Thessalonians? ?2:16-17? ?NIV??
    Blessings! Tricia

  2. What an amazing week so far! Thank you for sharing the visuals. Helps me feel closer to you! Prayers for continued good health, productive service and ministry, and for happy hearts! Love you!

  3. Thank you for sharing the pics and what’s been going on in Thailand. That baby, oh so so cute. Praying for you and your team that God fills your hearts with so much love so that you can pour it out with others.