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Thank you for all your smiles. You made me feel like I fit in and belonged. Thank you for treating my pallet to delicious food. Thank you for being the country where I chose joy no matter my circumstances. Thank you for helping me replace my fears with peace. Thank you for giving me a genuine night market experience I already miss. I think America needs to implement night markets. However, I will say you lacked local coffee shops and I definitely didn’t get my best sleep this month, but I wouldn’t trade it.


My eyes drooled over your pastures, fields, dirt roads, and country night skies. Your people are one of the most generous, selfless and serving I’ve ever met. I got to meet a handful of your people who are on fire for serving the Lord. People who are passionate about what they are doing and the people they get to minister to and with. Your few nights of rain and cooler temperatures were glorious and greatly enjoyed.


My two separate experiences in Thailand couldn’t have been more different but so special in their own ways. But with the many goods and positives, you will be the country that has proven to be the most difficult/heart breaking. The first time, I went over a week trekking through your mountains with loaned shoes, borrowed clothes and last minute bought toiletries as my big pack was who-knows-where in an airport somewhere. The second time, I received news my time on the field was being ended three months early.


So, don’t blame me if the next time I visit, I’m a little weary of what tragedy is going to happen next. But all in all, I have so much to be grateful for and have learned so much from you. 


Thank You! 


2 responses to “Thank You Thailand”

  1. What a wonderful time we had on your first trip to Thailand/Myanmar. (Except for the whole luggage thing) I was always impressed with you but at the moment of lost luggage and your composure, I was even more impressed and thought to myself this young lady has the makings of an exceptional Christ Follower no matter where He leads. Thank you for your updates they have been both enjoyable and inspirational.

  2. So thankful and blessed to have started my heart for missions under your leadership. What an example of contentment, selflessness and godliness. I know you would have loved to do the Race with me and do all the adventure-y things (but I’m glad you didn’t do the white water rafting in Zambia cause I’m pretty sure it would have killed you if it almost killed me. Haha) Love you Mr. Holmes!