Welcome to Khurry’s Blog

Learn more about what God is doing and how you can be praying

Our work with the ministry here in Honduras for a little over a month has been pretty slow compared to the pace of life I’m used to. Some days we only have 2-3 hours of scheduled specific ministry that our host has planned for us. Some days it’s only attending an evening church service or doing a short kids program. Now don’t get me wrong I’ve enjoyed all the down time which has created for more space to deep dive into the Word, listen to podcasts about persecuted believers, watch online sermons and spend some extra sweet time with the Lord. However, at times I feel like I’m not doing enough. I’m not seeing tangible fruit from my labors and I always struggle with that. 

One night as we were sitting with our host waiting as dinner was being prepared he shared with us a word that was really encouraging. He shared how when he moved to this town thirteen years ago to start a church he had a dream that American groups would come and help him in his ministry. The locals and even other churches in the area thought he was crazy. But he firmly believed it was a promise God would fulfill. Now in the thirteen years he has been pastor he has hosted many Americans, including several World Race teams. He told us by just our being here is an answer to his prayer and a testimony to the people and other churches of the power of prayer. Our presence alone here is powerful. Not our works, not our teachings, not our painting skills, not our silly songs, nor our fun games. Only our presence. How simple. A much needed reminder to me of how the ways I think God is going to use me aren’t always in the ways I think it’s going to be. 

North America or Central America the truth of this simple reality is the same. Wherever you are, your presence is powerful. For me it looks like showing up at random birthday parties at 9pm, participating in a four hour church service, walking around the town, or picking up trash around the church. For you it may look like attending baby showers, going to sporting events of loved ones, having a meal at someone’s house, going to weddings, funerals or family events, or a million other things. You just being there is speaking volumes. Don’t be discouraged. Your presence in those times is doing more than anything your hands could produce. So sit back, relax. God is using your presence to encourage, uplift and maybe even answer someone’s prayers as you walk obediently into the opportunities He puts in front of you. Don’t limit the ways God wants to use you. 

We have one week left here in Honduras before we head to El Salvador to meet up with the rest of our squad for two weeks of debrief and teaching before we head to Nicaragua. Be praying for the Lord to show up in powerful ways and bring new areas of freedom and equip us with new gifts to uplift the body of Christ. For Him to meet with us intimately and refresh us. Thank you for praying for my health! I have had a really good week and been able to do a little manual labor and it felt great. The team is doing well and beginning to press into harder spiritual disciplines which has been so fun to witness. Continue to pray for good health, spiritual discernment, boldness, and for the Lord to refine my dreams and desires. I’ve received several generous donations this past week leaving $600 to be raised to meet my current monthly goal. Would love to have you partner with me in what God is doing through my presence being here in Honduras! 


The biggest bicycle in the world right here in El Progreso! 


The team in El Progreso


Valentine‘s gifts for the team


Fun adventure day at the beach in Tela with our host, Pastor Rony. 

3 responses to “The Power of Presence”

  1. Hey Khurry! This is so beautiful! I love the simplicity of Jesus! You are so right, just showing up is such an important part of what we do for the Kingdom . So proud of you for all you do and your constant leadership for others to follow. Can’t wait to see you in El Salvador! Love you!

  2. So good to hear from you!!! Your words of encouragement are just what I needed to hear. Just be present. Praying for rest and discerment and most of all safety for you and your team.
    Little funny —–
    Knock knock ——
    Who’s there?
    Sadie —–
    Saide who?
    Sadie dee magic word & watch me disappear. Love you Khurry!!!!!

  3. Good wood Khurry! Presence. After all, God’s continual presence with us is what matters most. He will not leave us or forsake us. This is very comforting.
    Keep on keeping on! Praying for you and the team. Love you!