Welcome to Khurry’s Blog

Learn more about what God is doing and how you can be praying

24 years old, born and raised in Oklahoma, five brothers, four sisters, an amazing mom and dad, a large extended family that I call some of my best friends, attended a christian high school that helped shape my christian worldview and begin my heart and passion for missions, attended church all my life, went to a christian college and got my degree in Christian Ministries with a minor in Spanish, spent nine months in Mexico teaching English at a private christian school, and now getting the opportunity to be a World Racer. WOW! Not many people can say all those things. Even as I list them off right now, I’m reminded of how blessed I have been and how I have done nothing to deserve it. Only by the grace and goodness of God. I realize that I have been given much and therefore much is, and will be, required of me. At home I love to work outside in the flowerbeds, water my plants, run, read, cook, spend time with my nieces and nephews, watch OU football, and watch my younger brothers play high school football and basketball. I love music and dramas and my favorite time of year is Christmas. I love to experience new cultures and see how other people live. On previous mission trips to Mexico, Mozambique, Thailand, Burma, Spain, and Baja the Lord has opened my eyes to my own selfishnesses and the huge hearts of hospitality and love of those so less fortunate than I. Well that’s a little bit about me and I’m excited to use this blog to continue sharing about what the Lord is doing and teaching me before and during my experiences on the World Race.